Essential Vermeer 5.0

Geographical Distribution of Vermeer's Paintings

The 35 (37?) paintings generally accepted as by Vermeer are divided between Europe (22) and America (14). The Saint Praxedis, which would be the 37th painting by Vermeer, is only weakly supported by authorities, and it is on public view in Japan. Vermeer's Concert, once housed in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, was stolen in March 18, 1990 and has not been recovered . If you have any information regarding this theft, please report it to the FBI Art Theft Program. More information can be found by clicking here.

Between Amsterdam and The Hague (60 kilometers apart) there are seven Vermeer paintings including some of his finest works. Between New York and Washington (350 kilometers apart) there are 12 paintings a 13th, questionable work, in private hands in New York.

If you are traveling specially to view one or more paintings by Vermeer, always contact the museum beforehand to be sure the painting(s) you wish to see are on display at the moment. Paintings can be on temporary loan or in restoration. Please check the COMPLETE VERMEER CATALOGUE to find out where each work is presently located.

To see which paintings are in which American and European cities, click on the city name.

Paris London Dublin Edinburgh Frankfurt Dresden Berlin The Hague Amsterdam Brunswick Vienna
Boston New York Washington D.C.

Looking Over Vermeer’s Shoulder

The complete study of Vermeer’s materials, artistry and painting techniques

Jonathan Janson

(painter & founder of Essential Vermeer.com)