- Center for Netherlandish Art
- Essential Vermeer Newsletter & Complete Interactive Vermeer Catalogue
- Historians of Netherlandish Art
- JHNA - Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art
- Jan Brueghel Wiki
- The Leiden Collection
- ECARTICO - Economic and Artistic Competition in the Amsterdam Art Market, c. 1630–1690; History Painting in Rembrandt's Time
- Connect Vermeer
- The Montias Database of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art Inventories
- The Rijksmuseum Paintings & Library
- Counting Vermeer
- RKD Studies
- Collections of Art History Documentation in the Netherlands
- RDK the Netherlands Institute of Art History
- Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age
- The Vermeer Tracker
- Historische Vereniging Delfia Batavorum
- Digital Family Tree Municipal Records Office of the City of Delft
- Emblem Project Utrecht
- Vermeer's Digital House
- Johannes Vermeer & 17th Century life in Delft
- Digital Bibliotheek voor de Netherlanse LetterenI
- Dutch University of Art History, IUO, DUIA, NIKI, Florence
- Web Gallery of Art
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art Timeline of Art History
In 2017, two families came together to present a transformative gift to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo joined Susan and Matthew Weatherbie to donate 114 Dutch and Flemish paintings, the extensive library of late scholar Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann, and initial endowment funds for the Center for Netherlandish Art, the first of its kind in the US.
The Center for Netherlandish Art (CNA) intends to become a leading center for scholarship on Netherlandish (Dutch and Flemish) art of the early modern period. Its programs—including public lectures, exhibitions, courses, publications, and residency fellowships—will attract collectors, curators, researchers, conservators, and students, encouraging them to learn and collaborate together. This work will advance the mission of the CNA: to share Netherlandish art with wide audiences in Boston and elsewhere, to stimulate multi-disciplinary research and object-based learning, to nurture future generations of scholars and curators in the field, and to expand public appreciation for Netherlandish art.
Fully integrated into the Museum’s programs, governance, and facilities, the CNA will benefit from its connection to the MFA’s world-class collections, expert staff, and broad audiences. The Center will be based at the MFA in a centrally located space, where scholars and visitors may use the Haverkamp-Begemann library and convene with colleagues. CNA programs will take place throughout the Museum’s galleries, classrooms, conservation studios, and public spaces.
contact: CNA@mfa.org

This essential website offers an extensive array of resources, including details about museums, exhibitions, and a comprehensive list of curators, all dedicated to Dutch and Flemish art globally. Additionally, it features a newsletter that delivers up-to-date information on Dutch and Flemish exhibitions and events.
The Essential Vermeer Newsletter is a free resource offering comprehensive and current information about upcoming and ongoing exhibitions, publications, news, and multimedia events related to the life and art of Johannes Vermeer and his close associates.

Historians of Netherlandish Art is an international organization founded in 1983 to foster communication and collaboration among historians of Northern European art from medieval to modern times. Its membership comprises scholars, teachers, museum professionals, art dealers, publishers, book dealers, and collectors throughout the world. The art and architecture of the Netherlands (Dutch and Flemish), and of Germany and France, as it relates to the Netherlands, from about 1350 to 1750, forms the core of members' interests. Current membership includes around 700 individuals and 30 institutions and businesses.

JHNA (ISSN - 1949–9833) is the electronic journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art. Founded in 2009, the journal publishes issues of peer-reviewed articles two times per year. These articles focus on art produced in the Netherlands (north and south) during the early modern period (c. 1400-c.1750), and in other countries and later periods as they relate to Netherlandish art. This includes studies of painting, sculpture, graphic arts, tapestry, architecture and decoration, from the perspectives of art history, art conservation, technical studies, museum studies, historiography and collecting history. Translations into English of significant articles published previously in other languages will appear from time to time as well. In future, the journal will engage in other forms of presentation made possible by digital technology. These may include interactive images, short videos, community blogs, photo essays with commentary, as well as groups of articles commissioned by the editors. Book and exhibition reviews, however, will continue to be published in the HNA Newsletter.
All JHNA articles are evaluated in a double blind peer review process, which seeks to assure the anonymity of the author and the reviewers. Before an article or essay is accepted for publication, it is usually sent to two knowledgeable scholars for assessment. These evaluations help to guide the editors' decision, and in most circumstances are shared with the author. JHNA seeks to ensure the highest critical and intellectual standards.

Jan Brueghel Wiki is a pioneering art history where information about the painter Jan Brueghel can be gathered, shared and debated among scholars. As well as allowing the casual visitor o explore Brueghel's works, it provides provide scholarly tools for furthering the understanding of how Brueghel and his studio produced this vast, complex body of work a resource.
The site presents a deep search function that allows Brueghel's paintings to be searched by titles, date, genre, attribution, Ertz number, location and tags. Moreover, pictures can be grouped for study and details may brought up from the full-size images, compared and measured.
The site is headed by the art historian Elizabeth Honig, University of California Berkeley.

The online catalogue of The Leiden Collection, edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., provides an overview of the world of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish art, a Golden Age of creativity. Featured are artist biographies, scholarly entries for 175 paintings and drawings, as well as essays about major painters featured in the collection, including Rembrandt van Rijn, Gerrit Dou and Frans van Mieris. A number of fijnschilder paintings are represented is unmatched in any other private or public collection in the world, and allows for an extraordinary opportunity to study the qualities of these artists and their impact on broader Dutch traditions of the seventeenth century.
The collection was assembled by Thomas S. Kaplan, an American entrepreneur and investor, environmentalist and art collector, and his wife, Daphne Recanati Kaplan, who began to collect the art of the Dutch Golden Age in 2003. Within a few years they established The Leiden Collection, named in honor of Rembrandt's birthplace.

ECARTICO - Economic and Artistic Competition in the Amsterdam Art Market, c. 1630–1690; History Painting in Rembrandt's Time
from the ECARTICO website:
The ECARTICO program explores the complex fabric of artistic and economic competition in the field of history painting in Amsterdam from c. 1630 through 1690. The term "history painting" denotes textually based figure paintings—i.e. historie: subjects from the Bible, mythology, pastoral literature and classical and contemporary history. This was the most internationally oriented and, according to the art theory of the period, most highly valued category of painting. However, apart from studies concentrating on the work of Rembrandt, history painting in Amsterdam has been a neglected area within the study of Dutch art. The traditional emphasis on Rembrandt, who is usually studied as an isolated phenomenon, has impeded a proper understanding of the dynamics of the market for history paintings in Amsterdam as a whole.
The ECARTICO database is a comprehensive database which was built to collect, organize and analyze data concerning painters, art consumers, art dealers and others involved in the cultural industry of Amsterdam and the Low Countries in the early modern period. The database currently contains biographical and demographic data on some 12.000 persons, more than half of whom were painters active in the Northern Netherlands and the Southern Netherlands in the period before c. 1720.
As in other art historical databases, users can search and browse for data on individuals or make selections of certain types of data. However, the ECARTICO database also allows users to visualize and analyze data on artists and their 'milieus'.
The database provides researchers, as well as the general public with a wealth of art historical information. It builds upon biographical data compiled by Pieter Groenendijk (mostly from biographical dictionaries) during the 1990s and the early 2000s, which he graciously allowed us to rebuild into a research database. Since 2007, a team of researchers, research assistants and students is continuously updating and expanding the database.

In conjunction with the Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting: Inspiration and Rivalry exhibitive, the Connect Vermeer website grew out of a research project conducted by the National Gallery of Ireland in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD). Through a series of interactive visualizations, Connect Vermeer allows users to discover the network of connections between Vermeer and his sixteen contemporaries. Users can discover the strength and likelihood of relationships between the seventeen artists, the impact of an individual artist's paintings on the work of his contemporaries, as well as how artists adopted, adapted and disguised elements, from their peers' work, in their own paintings.

RKD Studies presents most of the digital publications issued by the RKD from 2011 onwards, including monographic studies, collection catalogues, source publications, studies on technical research, symposium proceedings etc., in Dutch or English. This website, this successor of RKD Monographs, has been launched on 22 September 2020. The online environment not only received a complete update, but also a new design. Publications that have not been reissued yet, will be launched in the near future, as well as new Studies.
This website is device responsive, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience on all platforms. To fully enjoy the layout, we recommend to view RKD Studies on a regular computer or laptop screen without zooming in or out. However, if you experience any difficulties, please contact rkdstudies@rkd.nl.

Counting Vermeer features digital-image-processing-based tools developed in the past ten years for scientific examination of paintings on woven fabric. During this decade the use of digital image processing in painting analysis has progressed from a rarity to a pillar of digital art history. Automated thread counters, developed in 2007, provided the foundation for the creation of weave maps that visualize thread density and thread angle patterns.

The Frick Library has provided an invaluable internet interface with the database compiled Montias during his studies.
from the Frick website :
The Montias database, compiled by late Yale University Professor John Michael Montias, contains information from 1,280 inventories of goods (paintings, prints, sculpture, furniture, etc.) owned by people living in seventeenth century Amsterdam. Drawn from the Gemeentearchief (now known as the Stadsarchief), the actual dates of the inventories range from 1597–1681. Nearly half of the inventories were made by the Orphan Chamber for auction purposes, while almost as many were notarial death inventories for estate purposes. The remainder were bankruptcy inventories. The database includes detailed information on the 51,071 individual works of art listed in the inventories. Searches may be performed on specific artists, types of objects (painting, prints, drawings), subject matter etc. There is also extensive information on the owners, as well as on buyers and prices paid when the goods were actually in a sale. While not a complete record of all inventories in Amsterdam during this time period, the database contains a wealth of information that can elucidate patterns of buying, selling, inventorying and collecting art in Holland during the Dutch Golden Age.

With close on one million objects Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum is the largest museum of art and history in the Netherlands. It is perhaps best known for its collection of seventeenth-century Dutch masters, with twenty Rembrandt's and many other highlights of the period, including works by Frans Hals, Jan Steen and just about every significant Dutch seventeenth-century painter. Vermeer is represented with four absolute masterpieces:
- Milkmaid
- The Love Letter
- Little Street
- Woman in Blue Reading a Letter
- Search the entire museum's collection
- Online Library Catalogue

RKD (The Netherlands Institute for Art History)
The RKD (Netherlands Institute for Art History) is an information center for the study of Dutch art in The Hague. The Key task of the RKD is to collect, manage and make archive documentation and library materials available, such as image documentation, technical documentation, and press documentation on visual art and artists. This documentation is accessible for independent researchers, professionals, collectors and other interested parties. The RKD also plays a supporting role for museums, universities, auction houses, art galleries, art dealers and other institutions.The RKD focuses on Western and particularly Dutch visual art from the Late Middle Ages to the present day.
You travel but so does Vermeer. The Vermeer tracker keeps close tabs on the present location of every painting by Johannes Vermeer.
The CIVC presents an innovative user-friendly image mapping, slide-in theme boxes and the familiar internet browser navigational format of Vermeer's 36 (37?) surviving paintings. Each work can be effortlessly explored according to the particular interests of the individual navigator. By rolling the computer's mouse over the details of interest of state-of-art digital images or clicking on the alternative theme titles, elegant slide-in boxes will instantaneously with text and images will satisfy the navigator's curiosity and stimulate further exploration.
The CIVC is compiled from a vast array of current and out-of-print scholarly publications. Some information, never before published, is derives from private communications with the world's most authoritative Vermeer experts and museum staff.
The CIVC contains the equivalent of over 300 pages of standard book text covering almost every aspect of the artist's work

The historical society Delfia Batavorum was founded in 1935. Its main objective is to promote the knowledge of and the interest for the history of the city of Delft and its surroundings in the broadest sense of the word. The main activities of the society are organizing lectures about the history of Delft and organizing excursions to all kinds of sites and cities that are interesting from a historic point of view.
Delfia Batavorum also publishes an annual with articles on Delft's rich history. A list of published articles can be found by click on "jaarboeken" in the left-hand frame of the website.
Listed below is a summary of the articles related to Vermeer.
- Het huwelijk van Jan Vermeer
(The marriage of Jan Vermeer)
by Drs. M.A. Lindenburg - Jan Vermeers huis: Een poging tot reconstructie
(Jan Vermeers house: An attempt to reconstruct it)
by A. Warffemius - Trekschuiten, haringbuizen en vrachtschepen op Vermeers Gezicht op Delft
(about the various ships depicted on Vermeers painting "Gezicht op Delft")
by K. Kaldenbach - Het 'Straatje' van Vermeer (The "Little street" of Vermeer)
by Drs. M.A. Lindenburg with an epilogue of Ir. W.F. Weve

In the website of the Digital Family Tree of the Municipal Records Office of the City of Delft you can search the indexes of the main sources that are keep for genealogical research:
Up to 1811: The registers of baptisms, marriages and funerals of churches and courts in Delft and Pijnacker.
From 1812: The registers of births, deaths and marriages of Delft and the former municipalities of Hof van Delft, Groeneveld, Hoog en Woud Harnasch, Pijnacker, 't Woudt, Vrijenban, Abtsregt, Ackersdijk en Vrouwenregt, Biesland and Ruiven.

The aim of the Emblem Project Utrecht project is the digitization of Dutch love emblems. In the future, the project hopes to present editions and indexes of about twenty-five emblem books, religious as well as profane. Particularly interesting for Vermeer enthusiasts, is Sinne- en minnebeelden by Jacob Cats.
At this moment, nine books have been digitized. Each of these has a full transcription, page facsimiles, indexes and links to sources and parallels, translations and annotation.

This site features a meticulously crafted 3D digital model of Vermeer's home, which no longer exists. It showcases over one hundred different household inventory items, many of which are interactive and can be clicked on for further information. The model was created by a team of experts: Kees Kaldenbach, an art historian; Allan Kuiper, an industrial and Internet designer; and Henk Zantkuijl, a restoration architect and emeritus assistant professor at TU Delft. This site offers more than a mere visit; it invites an in-depth exploration, providing an exceptionally engaging experience.
A rich tapestry of multimedia sources, an encyclopedic 2000+ page web site.

The Digital Library of Dutch Literature is a website about Dutch literature, language and culture. The site contains literary texts, secondary literature and additional information such as biographies, portraits and hyperlinks, besides a large number of studies and primary sources in the broad field of the Dutch (speaking) cultural history. The Digital Library of Dutch Literature is an initiative of the Foundation DBNL which was founded in 1999 by the Society of Dutch Literature. For the funding of its basic tasks, the DBNL receives an annual contribution to the foundation of the Dutch Language Union. (Dutch only)

The Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the Golden Age coordinates the research of the ICH interdisciplinary programme Dutch Golden Age of the Humanities Faculty at the University of Amsterdam.
The Dutch Golden Age programme explores the making of the Dutch Republic, its key role in the economy, politics and culture of Europe and the world, and its transition to a less dominant position. It focuses on the art, culture and history of the Dutch Golden Age in an international and interdisciplinary context. Emphasis is on the construction, dissemination and interpretation of artefacts as well as ideas in the 'long' Golden Age (c. 1550–1750).
The Centre has brought together various fields in early modern culture. There are lively contacts with cultural heritage institutions, including the Special Collections of the University Library, the Amsterdam Museum, the Amsterdam City Archive, the National Maritime Museum, the Rijksmuseum, the Rembrandthuis, and the Jewish Historical Museum.
The Centre stimulates contacts between scholars in- and outside the University of Amsterdam. At its regular interdisciplinary research seminar (6-8 meetings per year), invited speakers discuss current research themes. Admission to these seminars is free. The Centre produces its own peer-reviewed book series: Amsterdam Studies in the Dutch Golden Age and organizes projects and conferences in cooperation with external parties, including research institutes and cultural heritage institutions such as libraries, museums and archives.
The Centre offers various educational tracks about the Dutch Golden Age in its global context, including Bachelor and Master courses, a one year regular Master track and a Research Master track.

The Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence, founded in 1958, forms part of Utrecht University and is administered by a group of six universities. The Institute promotes research on Italian art, on Dutch and Flemish art and artists in Italy and on the rich tradition of artistic exchange and mutual influence between Italy and the North. It provides scholars and students from the Netherlands and elsewhere with accommodation, research and publication opportunities and the use of its library in a city with extraordinary resources for art historical research and international academic training and exchange. In addition the Institute publishes scholarly works and organizes lectures, conferences and exhibitions.

The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture of the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods (1150–1800), currently containing over 11,600 reproductions. Commentaries on pictures, biographies of artists are available.

The Timeline of Art History is a chronological, geographical and thematic exploration of the history of art from around the world, as illustrated especially by the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection. The Museum's curatorial, conservation and education staff—the largest team of art experts anywhere in the world—research and write the Timeline, which is an invaluable reference and research tool for students, educators, scholars and anyone interested in the study of art history and related subjects. First launched in 2000, the Timeline now extends from prehistory to 1800 A.D., and will continue to expand in scope and depth. The Timeline will span art history up to the present day by the fall of 2004.

A comprehensive index of every artist represented at hundreds of museum sites, image archives, and other
online resources. Currently indexed 1200 art sites.