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"Dissius" Auction of 1696

No. 32 "A view of a house standing in Delft, by the same" 72-10

No. 33 "A view of some house, by ditto" 48-0

Scholars generally believe that the description of the no. 32 of the Dissius auction catalogue fits the Little Street now housed in the Rijksmuseum, although strictly speaking, there is no reason it could not fit no.33. Whatever the case, the other view of houses no longer exists.

The Little Street, Johannes Vermeer
The Little Street
Johannes Vermeer
c. 1657–1661
Oil on canvas, 54.3 x 44 cm.
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Little Street, Dirckvan der Laan
The Little Street
Dirk Jan van der Laan
(whereabouts unknown)

Thorè- Bürger, the French connoisseur who is generally accredited for having rediscovered Vermeer in the mid-eighteenth-century, attributed various landscapes and cityscapes to the Delft master that were successively purged from the artist's oeuvre. Thorè had in his personal art collection more than one landscape which he believed to be authentic. However, they were later proved to be by the hand of minor artists such as Jacob Vrel or Dirk Van de Laan, the later of which was a Dutch painter who was evidently strongly influenced by Vermeer's pointillist application of paint and intimist expressive qualities.

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