If you have corrections or suggestions for any of the Essential Vermeer Online Bibliographies, please send them to the author and webmaster of this site, jonathanjanson@essentialvermeer.com.

Drawing and painting manuals emerged as practical guides for artists, often aimed at teaching techniques, styles, and methods for creating art. These manuals became especially prominent during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, reflecting a growing emphasis on systematic training and the professionalization of the arts.

Such manuals often provided step-by-step instructions, covering topics like proportions, anatomy, shading, color mixing, and compositional balance. Early examples included works like Cennino Cennini's Il Libro dell’Arte (c. 1390), which combined medieval techniques with Renaissance innovations. During the Baroque period, manuals expanded to include more sophisticated methods for capturing light, perspective, and naturalistic detail.

These texts were widely disseminated, thanks in part to the printing press, and reached audiences across Europe and beyond. They were used by apprentices in workshops, members of emerging academies, and amateur artists. Drawing and painting manuals not only standardized artistic practices but also democratized knowledge, influencing the development of art for centuries.

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources

  • BAKKENIST, T., R. Hoppenbrouwers and H. Dubois, eds., Early Italian Paintings, Techniques and Analysis. Proceedings of the Symposium held at the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg, Maastricht, 9–10 October, 1996.
  • BEAL, Mary. Study of Richard Symonds: His Italian Notebooks and their Relevance to Seventeenth-Century Painting Techniques. New York: Garland, 1984.
  • BERGER, Ernst. Quellen fur Maltechnik wahrend der Renaissance und deren Folgezeit. Munich, 1901, reprint 1973. Contains de Mayerne MS, 99–364.
  • BOK, Martin Jan. "The Artist's Working Method," in Jan Steen, Painter and Storyteller. exh. cat., National Gallery of Art and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Washington and Amsterdam, 1996, 86–87.
  • BOERSMA, Annetje. "Dou's Painting Technique: An Examination of Two Paintings," in Gerrit Dou, Master Painter in the Age of Rembrandt, Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., ed., exh. cat., National Gallery of Art, Washington (New Haven: Yale University Press): 2000, 54–63.
  • BOMFORD David, Christopher Brown and Ashok Roy. Art in the Making: Rembrandt (London: National Gallery) 1988.[Glossary 144–147; Bibliographical Appendix on Training of Artists and Practice of Painting, 48–149; Select Bibliography, 150–153; Technical Literature, 154–155.
  • BRUSATI, Celeste. Artifice and illusion: The Art and Writing of Samuel van Hoogstraten. Chicago: University. of Chicago Press, 1995.
  • BUCKLOW, Spike. The Alchemy of Paint: Art, Science and Secrets from the Middle Ages, London, 2009.
  • DOERNER, Max.The Materials of the Artist and their use in Painting (New York: Harcourt Brace) 1934, 1984.
  • DUNKERTON, Jill, Susan Foister and Nicholas Penny, Durer to Veronese: Sixteenth-Century Painting in the National Gallery (New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press and National Gallery Publications Ltd.) 1999. [especially chapters 6 through 9] 3
  • EASTLAKE, C. L., Methods and Materials of Painting of the Great Schools and Masters, 2 vols., London 1847, reprint, New York, 1960.
  • FELLER, Robert L. (vol.1), Ashok Roy, (vol.2), and Elizabeth West Fitzhugh (vol. 3), eds., Artists' Pigments: A Handbook of their History and Characteristics, 3 vols. (vol.1, Cambridge and Washington: Cambridge University Press and National Gallery of Art) 1986; (vol.2, Washington and New York: National Gallery of Art and Oxford University Press) 1993; (vol.3, Washington and New York: National Gallery of Art and Oxford University Press) 1997.
  • GETTENS, Rutherford J. and George L. Stout. Painting Materials: A Short Encyclopaedia. New York: Dover, 1942, 1966.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Style and Technique in Dutch Landscape Painting." Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice, edited by Arie Wallert, Erma Hermens. (1995): 140–147.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Esaias van de Velde's Technical Innovations: Translating a Graphic Tradition into Paint." In Painting Techniques: History, Materials, and Studio Practice, IIC 1998 Dublin Congress, edited by Ashok Roy, and Perry Smith, 145–149. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC), 1998.

    GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Painting Light: Recent Observations on Vermeer's Painting Technique." In New Vermeer Studies, Studies in the History of Art, vol. 55, edited by Ivan Gaskell, and Michiel Jonker, 185–199. Washington: National Gallery of Art, 1998.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Landscape Painting Style and Technique: Fidelity to the 16th Century Tradition in Early 17th Century Landscape Production." In Colloque XII pour l'étude du dessin sous-jacent et de la technologie dans la peinture, edited by R. van Schoute, and H. Verougstraete, 177–188. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 1999.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Evocation and Representation: Rembrandt's Landscape Painting Technique." In exh. cat. Rembrandt's Landscapes, edited by Christaan Vogelaar, and Gregor J. M. Weber, 120–143. Leiden: Stedelijk Museum het Lakenhal, 2006.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Lievens' Technique: Wonders in Smeared Paint, Varnishes and Oils." In exh. cat. Jan Lievens: A Master Rediscovered, edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., 40–53. Washington: National Gallery of Art, 2008.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Fine Painting and Eloquent Imprecision: Gabriel Metsu's Painting Technique." In Gabriel Metsu, edited by Adriaan E. Waiboer, 154–179. Dublin: Yale University Press, 2010.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie, Anikó Bezúr, Andrea Guidi di Bagno, and Lisha Deming Glinsman. "The Making of a Luxury Image: Van Aelst's Painting Materials and Artistic Techniques." In exh. cat. Elegance and Refinement: The Still-life Paintings of Willem van Aelst, edited by Tanya Paul, 66–89. Houston and Washington: Houston Museum of Fine Arts and National Gallery of Art, 2012.
  • GIFFORD, E. Melanie. "Material as Metaphor: Non-conscious Thinking in Seventeenth Century Painting Practice." In Studying Old Master Paintings—Technology and Practice, edited by Marika Spring, 165–172. London: Archetype Publications, 2011.
  • GRAAF VAN DE, J. A. Het De Mayerne Manuscript als Bron Voor de Schildertechnick van de Barok, Mijdrecht, 1958.
  • GROEN, Karen and Ella Hendriks, "Frans Hals: Technical Examination," in S. Slive, ed. Frans Hals, exh. cat., National Gallery of Art, Royal Academy, Frans Halsmuseum, Washington, London and Haarlem, 1989–1990, 109–127.
  • HARLEY, Rosamund, Artists' Pigments c. 1600–1835: A Study in English Documentary Sources, 2nd ed., London: Bufferworth Scientific, 1982.
  • HOWARD, Helen, David Peggie and Rachel Billinge. "Vermeer and Technique." National Gallery website. https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/research/about-research/the-meaning-of-making/vermeer-and-technique
  • JANSON, Jonathan, Looking Over Vermeer's Shoulder Seventeenth-Century Dutch Fine Painting Techniques and Studio Practices with Particular Focus on the Work of Johannes Vermeer (second edition), USA, 2020.
  • JANSON, Jonathan. "How Vermeer Painted," in Hound in the Hunt: Optical Aids in Art. Museum of Old Art and New, Hobart TS, 2016. 90–151
  • KIRBY, Jo. "The Painter's Trade in the Seventeenth Century: Theory and Practice, National Gallery Technical Bulletin, vol 20 (1999): 5–49.
  • KOESTER, Olaf, with contributions by Celeste Brusati, Jørgen Hein, Gunter Herzog, Ekkehard Mai, Mette Bjarnhof, and Lone Bogh. Illusions: Gijsbrechts, Royal Master of Deception, exh. cat. (Copenhagen: Statens Museum for Kunst) 1999. See especially Mette Bjamhof and Lone Bogh, "Restoration History and Study of Painting Technique, 287–305.
  • LANDSMAN, Rozemarijn. "Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials 1550–1800." In Trading Paintings and Painters' Materials 1550-1800, edited by Anne Haack Christensen and Angela Jager, London and Copenhagen: Archetype Publications, 2018.
  • LAURIE, A.P., The Painter's Methods and Materials (NY: Dover) 1926, 1967.
  • MAYER, Ralph, The Artist's Handbook (NY: Viking) 1940, revised ed. 1991.
  • MACLEHOSE, L.S., tr., and Prof G. Baldwin-Brown, ed., Vasari on Technique (New York: Dover) 1907, 1960.
  • MERRIFIELD, M. Medieval and Renaissance Treatises on the Arts of Painting, 1849.
  • RUBIN, Patricia Lee, and Alison Wright, Renaissance Florence: The Art of the 1470's (London: National Gallery Publications) 1999.
  • SCHENDEL, A.F.E. van, "Manufacture of vermilion in 17th-century Amsterdam: the Pekstok papers," Studies in Conservation, 17, (1972): 70–82. [also contains recipes for Spanish green (verdigris) and schuytgeel (a yellow lake pigment.) [Peckstock Papers, Municipal Archives, Amsterdam, No. N-09-23].
  • TALLEY, Mansfield Kirby. Portrait Painting in England: studies in the technical literature before 1700, published privately by the Paul Mellon Centre, London 1981. [discussion of de Mayerne MS in chapter 6].
  • VANDERVERE, Abbie and Abbie Vandivere and Annelies van Loon. "Girl with a Blog." https://www.mauritshuis.nl/en/explore/restoration-and-research/girl-with-a-blog/
  • VANDERVERE, A., WADUM, J. & LEONHART, E. "The Girl in the Spotlight: Vermeer at Work, his Materials and Techniques in 'Girl with a Pearl Earring.'" Herit Sci 8, 20 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-020-0359-6
  • VAN HOUT, Nico, "Meaning and Development of the Ground-layer in Seventeenth Century Painting," Looking Through Paintings, the Study of Painting Techniques and Materials in Support of Art Historical Research, Erma Hermens, ed., (Leiden: deProm and Archetype) 1998, 199–225.
  • VELIZ, Zahira. Artists' Techniques in Golden Age Spain...Six treatises in translation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • WALLERT, Arie, ed. Still Lifes: Techniques and Style: An Examination of Paintings from the Rjjksmuseum, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Zwolle: Waanders Publishers, 1999.
  • WETERING, Ernst van de. Rembrandt The Painter at Work. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2004.
  • WETERING, Ernst van de."The Canvas Support," chapter 5 in Rembrandt: The Painter at Work, Oakland: University of California Press, 2000.
  • WETERING, Ernst van de."Canvas Research with Emil Bosshard, Remarks on Method." In Emil Bosshard, Paintings Conservator (1945–2006): Essays by Friends and Colleagues, edted by Maria de Peverelli, Marco Grassi, and Hans Christoph von Imhoff (Florence: Centro Di, 2009), 268..
  • WHITE, Raymond and Jo Kirby. "Rembrandt and his Circle: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Paint Media Re-Examined," National Gallery Technical Bulletin, vol.15 (London: National Gallery Publications) 1994, 64–78.
  • Recommended Vermeer Reading

    Pieter Roelofs and Gregor Weber, Vermmer Vermeer
    Pieter Roelofs & Gregor Weber
    Vermeer in Detail
    Garry Schwartz
    Wayne Franits, Vermeer Vermeer (Art and Ideas)
    Wayne Franits
    Vermeer: The Complete Paintings, Walter Liedtke Vermeer: The Complete Paintings
    Walter Liedtke
    Vermeer, John Nash Vermeer
    John Nash
    Vermeer and the Delft School, Walter LiedtkeVermeer and the Delft School
    Walter Liedtke 2001
    Vermeer: The Complete Works, Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
    Vermeer: The Complete Works
    Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
    Johannes Vermeer, Arthur K. Wheelock Jr."
    Johannes Vermeer
    Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
    Vermeer Studies, ed. Ivan Gaskell & Micheal Jonker
    Vermeer Studies
    ed. Ivan Gaskell & Micheal Jonker
    Vermeer and the Art of Painting, Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
    Vermeer and the Art of Painting
    Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
    Vermeer, Martin Bailey
    Martin Bailey
    Vermeer, Lawrence Gowing
    Lawrence Gowing