Jonathan Janson was born in South River, New Jersey in 1950. He received a degree in Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island in 1972 and participated in the European Honors Program, in Rome, Italy 1972. Following a brief stay in the United States he returned to Rome where he has lived and worked.
His paintings have been shown in important international galleries such O.K. Harris Works of Art and in major art museums.
He returns regularly to the United States and is the author of a number of web sites concerning the seventeenth-century painting master Johannes Vermeer. He paints in oils (domestic interiors) and in watercolors (the American surban landscape).
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, U.S.A. - Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art
Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. - Orlando Museum of Art
Orlando Florida, U.S.A.
.solo exhibits
- 2012 Galleria Galleria dell Incisione, Brescia, Italy
- 2010 Luci e ombre, Galleria 44 Arte Contemporanea, Torino, Italy
- 2009 O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, U.S.A.
- 2008-2009 Galleria dell'Incisione, Brescia
- 2007 Galleria 44, Turin, Italy
- 2006 Galleria il Basilisco, Genoa, Italy
- 2005-06 Galleria dell Incisione, Brescia, Italy
- 2004 Galleria Ibiscus, Ragusa, Italy
- 2002 Galleria dell Incisione, Brescia, Italy
- 1999 Gam Galerie d'Arte, Montecarlo
- 1999 Galeria d'Arte Il Paracelso, Bologna, Italy
- 1998 Galleria Don Chisciotte, Rome, Italy
- 1995 O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, U.S.A.
- 1992 O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, U.S.A
- 1992 Galleria Don Chiosciotte, Rome, Italy
- 1990 O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, U.S.A.
- 1988 Galleria Il Narciso, Rome, Italy
- 1986 O.K. South, Miami, Fla., U.S.A.
- 1986 O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, U.S.A.
- 1985 Gallerie Lieve Hemel, Amsterdam, Holland
- 1985 Gallerie Alain Blondel, Paris, France
- 1984 Galleria Il Nuovo Fanale, Genova, Italy
- 1984 Galleria Astrolabio, Messina, Italy
- 1984 Galleria Il Narciso, Rome, Italy
- 1984 Galleria Forni, Bologna, Italy
- 1984 Galleria Arte 33, Avellino, Italy
- 1982 Gallerie Alain Blondel, Paris, France
- 1982 Galleria Davico, Turin, Italy
- 1982 Galleria Il Naviglio, Milan, Italy
- 1981 F.I.A.C. (Galleria Forni), Paris, France
- 1981 Expo Arte (Galleria Forni), Bari, Italy
- 1980 Galleria Il Narciso, Rome, Italy
.group exhibitions
- 2012 Arcadia, O.K. Haris Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
- 2012 Art on Paper, Art and Design Gallery, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, U.S.A.
- 2009 Galleria delle Muse, Andria, Italy
- 2009 Rifrazioni, Galleria Don Chisciotte, Rome, Italy
- 2007 Arte Fiera, (Galleria del' Incisione) Bologna, Italy
- 2006 MusicArte, Galleria Stefano Forni, Italy
- 2006 Arte Fiera, (Galleria del' Incisione) Bologna, Italy
- 2005-06 Mito Auto Moto 2, Bologna, Italy
- 2005 20 x 20, Galleria Ibiscus, Ragusa, Italy
- 2005 Milano Città Viva, Galleria Entroterra, Milan, Italy
- 2005 Sui Generi Paesagginpo, Le Muse, Andria, Italy
- 2005 20 x 20, Galerie Beukers, Rotterdam, Olanda
- 2004 Realisme 05, De Beurs Voor Hedendaagse Figuratie, Galerie Beukers, Amsterdam, Olanda
- 2004 Gamiel, Janson, Ortona, Sesia, Galleria Ibiscus, Ragusa, Italy
- 2003 Città, Galleria Forni, Bologna, Italy
- 2003 Morbidamente Donna, Galleria Jannone, Milan, Italy
- 2002 I Love New York, O.K. Harris Works of Art, U.S.A.
- 2000 Group Show, O.K.Harris Works of Art, New York, U.S.A.
- 1999 Il Divenire e Ombra, Fermo, Italy
- 1999 XXVI Premio Sulmona, Sulmona, Italy
- 1998 XXV Premio Sulmona, Sulmona, Italy
- 1998 XXXI Premio D'Arte Contemporanea Vasto, Vasto, Italy
- 1997 I Buddenbrook e Roma, Galleria Don Chisciotte, Rome, Italy
- 1996 Works on Paper, Contemporary Realist Gallery, San Fransisco, Ca., U.S.A.
- 1995 Street Seens, The Ediface Complex, New Works from O.K. Harris, Norton Center for the Arts, Danville, Ky., U.S.A.
- 1994 Collectors Choice, Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, Fla., U.S.A.
- 1992 City Explorations of Urban Enviroment, Courthouse Cultural Center, Stuart, Fla., U.S.A.
- 1991 The Heart of America: The O.K. Harris Collection, Dada Building, Fukoka City, Japan
- 1991 Motion as Mataphor: The Automobile in Art, Virginia Beach Center for the Arts, Virginia Beach, Va., U.S.A.
- 1990 A Small Bite of the Apple: 79th Annual Exhibition, Randolf-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va., U.S.A.
- 1990 Contemorary Painting and Sculpture from the Center College, Norton Center, Center College, Danville, Ky., U.S.A.
- 1988 Tortue is O.K.,Tortue Gallery, Santa Monica, Ca., U.S.A.
- 1987 The Hot Center: Contemporary Art Selected by Ivan Karp, Nortan Center for the Arts, Center College, Danville, Ky., U.S.A.
- 1987 Il Museo dei Musei, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy
- 1987-1986 The Sturman Collection, Twentieth Century Works on Paper, Tuscon Art Museum, Tuscon, Az., U.S.A.
- 1986 The American Landscape, Ben Shahn Galleries, William Patterson College, Wayne, N.J., U.S.A.
- 1986 Andrews University, Berrian Springs, Mi., U.S.A.
- 1985 Realism: Contemporary Americans, Hooks-Epstein Galleries, Houston, Tx., U.S.A.
- 1984 F.I.A.C., Gran Palais, Paris France
- 1984 Obbietivo Immagine, Galleria Forni, Bologna, Italy
- 1983 Tre Realisti, Galleria Il Gabbiano, Rome, Italy
- 1983 Biennale d'Arte Contemporanea,Gasparo Salò, Salò, Italy
- 1983 Il Labirinto Italiano, Museo Archeologico di Grosseto,Grosseto, Italy
- 1983 Espressioni dell' Arte d'Imagine Contemporaneo, Galleria Lo Scudo, Verona, Italy
- 1982 XVI Mostra di Pittura "Ciuffeno", Comune di Ciuffeno, Italy
- 1982 La Ruota del Presente, Galleria Comunale, Jesi, Italy
- 1981 Estate 81', Galleria Il Naviglio, Venice, Italy
- 1981 Espressioni dell' Arte Contemporanea, Centro Culturale Alaska, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy